• Agriculture & Mining
  • Appliance
  • Biotech
  • Chemical Processing
  • Commercial
  • Computers & Electronics
  • Electrical
  • Fluid Power
  • Food & Beverage
  • Food Processing
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Hydraulic
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Lighting
  • MRO (maintenance, repair and operating supply)
  • Medical
  • Oil & Gas
  • Power Generation
  • Pump & Valve
  • Semiconductor
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
stainless steel assembly
custom acrylic parts
Plastic Injection Molding

Your Trusted Source for Custom Engineered Components & Materials

If your company needs a supply chain management and manufacturing sourcing partner, NLM has the experience, the network and the know-how for Total Cost Reduction, Improved Quality and Peak Innovation.